Financial Literacy Resources
We regularly publish and post materials discussing unnecessary losses which prevent doctors from achieving financial independence. Strategies to maximize the efficiency, control, and safety of the conversion of earnings to spendable savings based on the 50-year Doctors Economic Research Project appear below.
Leveraged, tax-free life income supercharges growth
A maximum-efficiency vehicle allows for 200% to 300% more spendable life income for half the cost in half the time.
Capture market gains. Maintain principal. Lock in prior results.
Equity Index Annuities base their interest not only on gains in a market index, but also include an annual reset feature.
Disability insurance that pays off
Unique risk protection products can be deducted as a business expense and potentially allow for refunds of premium paid after certain periods.
Insure risks not covered elsewhere
Secure tax-advantaged protection and earn additional profits through a captive insurance company.
New Long Term Care products provide favorable tax treatment
Premiums paid from a C-Tax Status Entity are deductible as health insurance premiums, while benefits received from the policy are untaxed.
Protect your assets with sophisticated structures and partners
Making money is one thing; keeping it may require an entirely different set of strategies.
Leave a legacy, build a benefit
Charitable Planning can fund an important mission while providing tangible tax advantages.
Create a legacy that outlives you
Perpetually multiplying, inter-generational endowments for family members and non-profit organizations are managed through independent third-party administration.
The precise strategy utilized for each client are the result of an individualized consultation and customized structures meeting the needs of each individual’s risk profile, tax-optimization needs lifelong objectives.
In addition to the information provided here, we regularly receive information on special programs from law firms, CPAs, consultants, and industry specialists. Structures, projects, and opportunities vary year to year. More details are available upon request.
Please contact us to schedule a free consultation.